samantha in the press - planning
Yarra Ranges urges planning scheme rethink
Leader Newspapers
by Kimberley Seedy
29 Feb 2012
Labels: cr samantha dunn, planning policy, yarra ranges
Yarra Ranges urges planning scheme rethink
Labels: cr samantha dunn, planning policy, yarra ranges
Cash surges for Wyndam's pokies
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mandatory pre-commitment, poker machines, vlga
Oh what a great night the Three One Six Oh! Film Festival was.
I had the great pleasure of presenting first prize to Director, David and Producer Brian Oakley.
Spit is a documentary about making it in the music business while discovering new ways to contribute to society. Quirky and poignant, the story begins by exploring the exploits of a Christian Rapper who falls into employment as a carer for someone with Cerebral Palsy. It was a very worthy winner.
My congrats to Pocket Bonfire who organised the film festival, it was a great arts event in the Hills and sponsored by a Yarra Ranges Festivals and Events grant.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, film festival, THREE ONE SIX OH, yarra ranges
Push for action on pokie bets
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mandatory pre-commitment, poker machines, vlga
Labels: 3mdr, belgrave, belgrave traders association, buskers festival, cr samantha dunn, yarra ranges
I had a terrific day with the Sherbrooke Forest District Scouts Founders Day at Lillydale Lake. An annual event, it gives young people from the hills the opportunity to experience a range of water events.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, district scouts, lillydale lake, sherbrooke forest
109 at end of Box Hill line
Labels: cr samantha dunn, eastern transport coalition, public transport
Declaring war on Dandenongs bully plant
Labels: agapanthus, cr samantha dunn, environmental weeds, yarra ranges
Monbulk Soccer Centre furore
Labels: cr samantha dunn, monbulk, shire of yarra ranges, soccer
I had the great pleasure of officially opening the 2012 VCE Creative Showcase exhibition last week at Burrinja.
Labels: burrinja, cr samantha dunn, vce creative showcase, yarra ranges
Plenty of backers not for Maccas
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, tecoma, yarra ranges
Selbyfest 2012 is coming soon.
Labels: 2012, cr samantha dunn, selby, selbyfest
Yes, it's that time of year again. Time to get out the secateurs and get to the agapanthus.
Labels: agapanthus, cr samantha dunn, environmental weeds, yarra ranges
Labels: belgrave, belgrave traders association, buskers festival, cr samantha dunn, shire of yarra ranges
report from the roundtable - 14 Feb
Labels: cr samantha dunn, interface, yarra ranges
Today is the fourth anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. It is important to remember these landmark occasions, I remember the National Apology well, celebrating with my colleague Cr Jeanette McRae and community members at the live broadcast at Swinburne University, Lilydale campus.
Labels: constitutional recognition, cr samantha dunn, indigenous, shire of yarra ranges
I've been watching the progress of the MyEnvironment -v- VicForests at the Melbourne Supreme Court with great interest.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, logging, MyEnvironment, supreme court, toolangi, vicforests
Labels: cr samantha dunn, fire management plan, yarra ranges
It's gr
Labels: 2012, brent dakis, cj baxter, cr samantha dunn, limerence, think tank project
Politics and Pokies a bad mix for problem gamblers
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mandatory pre-commitment, poker machines, vlga
I recently attended my local CFA community meeting on bushfire awareness.
Labels: are you fire ready, bushfire, CFA, cr samantha dunn, preparation, shire of yarra ranges, z-card
The 7th February, 2012, three years after the tragedy that was Black Saturday, is a day of reflection and a day of remembrance. I will be taking some time today to remember those events of three years ago with the communities of Healesville and Yarra Glen.
Labels: black saturday, cr samantha dunn, shire of yarra ranges
Today saw the commencement of a landmark court case for the environment and our endangered faunal emblem, the Leadbeater's Possum, in the trial for MyEnvironment Inc -v- VicForests.
Labels: court case, cr samantha dunn, logging, MyEnvironment, vicforests
It's terrific that the Victorian Environment Assessment Council have been directed to investigate the future of public land near the Yellingbo Conservation Reserve.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, Helmeted Honeyeater, shire of yarra ranges, VEAC, Yellingbo
State gets tough on weeds in the Dandenong Ranges
Labels: blackberry, cr samantha dunn, noxious weeds, shire of yarra ranges, weeds
Labels: belgrave, cameo, cr samantha dunn, film festival, THREE ONE SIX OH