report from the roundtable - 24 apr
At this week's council meeting we had to consider Housing Amendment C97, also known as the Housing Strategy.
A long time in the making (we started the journey in 2007) it was time to consider the final amendment and endorse it for submission to the Minister for Planning for his approval.
I spoke to the amendment and how it would effect Belgrave and Tecoma. In effect should the amendment be approved by the Minister the land zoned Residential 1 in Belgrave and Tecoma will be rezoned to Residential 3.
It's important to provide planning controls with clear
guidelines, which is what C97 does. This view from
Lilydale shows how planning can impact on our precious
viewlines in Yarra Ranges. |
This is a great outcome for the hills, as controls in Res 3 are far more sensitive than Res 1 which is more of an 'open slather' zoning. Rather than the current controls which accept 60% site coverage for a dwelling and 80% site coverage for total hard surfaces the new zoning means that site coverage for dwellings is reduced to 30% and total hard surfaces 50%.
Allowing a modest amount of infill housing will ensure aging in place opportunities and the areas in question are close to Tecoma and Belgrave railway stations. It's terrific to know that the new zoning will give hills residents the chance to downsize when they need to without leaving the area.
One of the very positive outcomes of the amendment will see the integration of the Neighbourhood Character controls giving more strength to these via the planning scheme (and at VCAT too).
I'm pleased that the Housing Amendment C97 was endorsed by the majority of council.
Voting for:
Councillors Samantha Dunn, Terry Avery, Graham Warren, Noel Cliff, Jeanette McRae and Chris Templer
Voting against:
Councillors Richard Higgins, Len Cox and Tim Heenan.
STOP PRESS: This amendment has been gazetted and comes in to operation 16 May 2013
Labels: belgrave, c97, cr samantha dunn, housing strategy, shire of yarra ranges, tecoma